Upperstar K.K

It was a dinner wif my EX-BOSS Mr.Chris...

spend by MR.Chris...

where to find tis kind of BOss...
as tis is the 4th time he spend me...
aiya forgot to take pic with him...

Drink Menu...

food Menu...

Chocolate smoothie...

Vanilla smoothie...

Mushroom Soup...

Cheese Cake...

Tuna Sandwich...

Lamb Chop...

This one is mine Grill Chicken...

Chicken Chop...

hawaiian delight pizza wif Potato Crush...
SO tis is the final post from me...
as i wil stop a while...
til i gt a PC in Uni...
leaving KK on moro...
feeling very weird...
Hey..all the best yar..redeem ur roti canai + mee goreng the next time we are back to kk..haha..